C classes, T classes, R classes

You will notice that class names in Symbian begins with different letters. The letter with which they begin depends on the type of the class.

If the name begins with T then it is a so called T class. Such classes cannot own external data - i.e. they cannot have pointers to data that is not owned by a different object. Such classes usually don't need a destructor. They can be created on the stack (i.e. as automatic variables) or inlined in a class.

If a class owns some external data, then it must be a subclass (direct or indirect) of CBase and it's name will begin with C - this will be a C class. The CBase provides a virtual destructor, so even after casting to CBase * the right destructor will be called. Another nice feature of C classes is that it fills the data area with 0s, so you don't need to initialize variables to 0 or NULL (what is the most common case). Because the C classes will be pushed on the cleanup stack (which will be described later), C classes cannot be created on the stack - they must be created with the new operator (usually new(ELeave) as will be explained later).

Somehow analogical to T and C classes are the structs and classes in C#. Symbian uses also classes which are analogical to Java or C# interfaces. They are prefixed with M and can contain only pure virtual functions. Symbian discourages multiple inheritance unless all the superclasses except at most one are M classes.

The last commonly used prefix is R. These classes access to some external resources (e.g. files, sockets) and needs to be closed before exit. These classes don't have a common ancestor and there is no single closing function. The closing function is most often called Close(), sometimes Dispose() or Delete().

There is also a convention for variables names - the class fields have names starting with 'i' while functions arguments have names beginning with 'a'.

Note that although the T classes can be created on the stack it is not allways the best idea. The stack on the device is very small - by default 8kB. Some T classes are relativly big - e.g. a TFileName uses more then 512 bytes. The emulator uses the Windows NT stack (which can grow up to 8MB by default), so you will notice the overflow only when testing on the device.

Another Symbian feature is that DLLs cannot contain static data. The problem is that applications (*.app files) are DLLs, so when writing an application you should not use static data. Static data can be used in servers (*.exe).

Leaves and the cleaup stack

Symbian doesn't use C++ exceptions because it was written before the exceptions where standardized and they require lots of resources. Instead Symbian uses a mechanism of leaves very similar to exceptions.

A leave is generated with User::Leave(errorCode). The error code is an int which carrys the information about the reason of the leave (there are many predefined error codes, like KErrNotFound). It is like the throw instruction in C++ with the differance that the information about the failure must be contained in the int error code, not in an arbitrary object. The User::LeaveIfError(errorCode) is also very usefull.

When a leave occurs then (similarly to exceptions) the control will return from all the functions (the stack will be unwinded) until it reaches a trap harness (which is like a try/catch block in standard C++). A trap harness is defined by TRAP:

  TInt error;

  TRAP(error, FunctionThatLeavesL());    // try

  if (error==KErrNotFound)               // catch
  if (error!=KErrNone)                  // catch

There is also a TRAPD macro that automatically defines the variable in the first parameter.

When a leaves occures all the data which is not owned by an object (i.e. data which is only pointed by an automatic variable in one of the functions we return from because of the leave) should be destroyed to prevent a memory leak. To achieve that Symbian uses a concept of Cleanup Stack.

If you have an object that should be destroyed in case of a leave push it on the cleanup stack with CleanupStack::PushL(object). When the leave occures all the objects on the cleanup stack pushed after entering the trap harness will be destroyed. When an object should be removed from the cleanup stack, e.g. because it will be destroyed or the ownership of it will be taken by an object use CleanupStack::Pop() to remove the top-most object from the stack (In the first case CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy() it very practical). There is also a function CleanupStack::Pop(object) with checks if the poped object is the same as the pushed one what is usefull for debugging.

The CleanupStack::PushL() function has an overloaded version that accepts a CBase * class which has a virtual destructor. When a leaves occures the destructor will be called and the owned data will be deleted. That's why all objects that owns some external data should be decendant of CBase. The R classes doesn't have a common ancestor so the closing function won't be called automatically. However there are functions CleanupClosePushL(), CleanupReleasePushL() and CleanupDeletePushL() that, thanks to the magic of templates, will guarantee a call of Close, Release or Delete before destroying the object by the Cleanup Stack.

Note that every object pointed by an automatic variable should be put ont the cleanup stack - this objects whould be orphaned if a leaves occures. However if an object if owned by another object it should not be put on the cleanup stack or else it will be destored twice - once during the leave and once in the owner's destructor.

It is imporatant to know if a function can leave, so all the function that may leave have a L suffix (e.g. PushL). Symbian provides an overloaded new operator - new(ELeave) - that in case of a lack of memory leaves instead of returning NULL. Example: iApp = new (ELeave) CMyApp();

Due to reasons that are simple but outside of the scope of this brief tutorial a constructor must not leave. What's why Symbian uses a so called two phase construction. Often after calling the constructor you should call a function ConstructL that executes all the functions that may leave (e.g. memory allocations). Some classes provides static functions NewL and NewLC that does all the construction (the C suffix is another common Symbian suffix - it means that the returned object was pushed on the cleanup stack).


Symbian doesn't use the C char * strings but provides classes that does range checking called descriptors. (on overflow in a char str[n] string is probably the most common mistake that allows an attacker to take control over a system. This is achieved by overwriting the stack frame. So it's nice that Symbian libraries does all the range checking).

There are several classes of the desctiptors. The TDesC is an abstract class which is an ancestor of constant strings. The TDes is a subclass TDesC and adds some functions to modify strings - it is an ancestor of all the modifiable strings. A TBuf<n> is a class that keeps n characters as a part of itself (thrus the T prefix). It is usually used to keep some temporary strings as automatic variables. However because of the small stack in Symbian devices you should not keep too many string on the stack.

TPtr objects stores a pointer to a buffer (with information about the string length and maximum length) which it doesn't own. E.g. a TPtr can point to characters 5 to 10 of a TBuf<64>. Destroying the TPtr will not hurt the data in the TBuf. However if you destory the TBuf, the TPtr will become invalid. A TPtrC is a non-modifiable version of TPtr.

If you want to keep the string on the heap use a HBufC. The HBufC objects cannot be kept on the stack but must be created on the heap like C classes but it also doesn't need a virtual destructor as all the data is inlined like in T classes. That's why is has a special prefix - H. As the C suffix suggests that class is non-modifiable directly but there is a Des() function which returns a TPtr to the data, which will allow you to modify the content.